Gunther Kortwich, R.I.P.

I was saddened to hear about Gunther Kortwich's passing.

I met Gunther when I was working on a TV pilot in Berlin. The producer of the show, Piet Lessnick, told me that every sound person working in Berlin needs to visit Gunther's shop Kortwich Filmtontechnik. Being a foreigner that in theory was taking work away from his customers, I was nervous walking into his shop, but of course he gave me a warm welcome that instantly made me feel like I had a home away from home.

We talked a bit about the job, but instead of talking tech, he asked me who the caterer was. When I told him who it was (MovieCat, if I remember) he smiled broadly, eyes beaming, and declared "Ah well! Then it will be a good job! If there's good food, it will be a good job!"

I learned a lot from my brief encounter with him, not just about the secret to determining a good job, or even the German pronunciation of WD-40*, but the way a sound shop should be - welcoming and accommodating to everyone in the production sound community, which was something Jim and I kept in mind when opening Gotham Sound in 2002.

Later, crew members told me about how Gunther was Wim Wender's longtime sound mixer, and how he was the inspiration for the sound mixer protagonist in Wender's Lisbon Story, portrayed by Rudiger Volger!

So, thank you for your warmth and kindness, Herr Kortwich. I trust that catering is amazing wherever you are!

- Peter Schneider

*If you're ever in Germany looking for WD-40, ask for it by name: Vay-Day-Fourtzig!

When Gaff Tape Just Isn t Enough...

When Gaff Tape Just Isn't Enough...

Not that we're disparaging gaff tape, but it's just barely possible that sometime you might run into a problem on-set that would be better served by something else and wouldn't it be nice to be ready?

What if we made a list highlighting some things and then, for good measure, threw in 10% off on select items for the rest of the month when ordered through our website? Check it out below the jump!

Bagging Rites, Aug 20th-Sept 2nd!

NEW YORK: August 20th-22nd & August 25th
ATLANTA: August 28th, 29th & September 2nd

Everyone's audio gear needs to be protected, accessible, and ergonomic to use, but no two mixers use their kit in quite the same way. Come and see a smorgasbord of the best mixing bags and harnesses currently available and find a custom solution to fit you. We'll even have representatives from Orca Bags and PortaBrace in New York, so you can personally harass politely ask questions to the source!

The demo bag collection's tour will start in our New York office on Wednesday, August 20th through Monday, August 25th and then travel down to Atlanta for August 28th to September 2nd!

NYC schedule:

  • Thursday, August 21st 
    • Appearing: Adam Butler from PortaBrace 
    • Enter a raffle for a brand new PortaBrace Audio Orgaginzer case, heavy duty harness, pouch, or rain cover! (Drawing Monday, August 25th)
    • 11AM Adam Butler & Jack Norfluss Show and Tell
  • Friday, August 22nd
    • Appearing: Adam Butler from PortaBrace 
    • Enter a raffle for a brand new PortaBrace Audio Orgaginzer case, heavy duty harness, pouch, or rain cover! (Drawing Monday, August 25th)
  • Monday, August 25th 
    • Appearing: Ofer Menache from Orca Bags
    • Enter a  raffle for a brand new PortaBrace Audio Orgaginzer case, heavy duty harness, pouch, or rain cover! (Drawing Monday, August 25th)
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