There's No Business Like Sound Business

Sunday, October 7, 2018 - 10:00am to 2:00pm

Gotham Sound Atlanta

Sunday, October 7th, 2018 from 10am to 2pm at the Gotham Sound Atlanta offices, Aaron 'Cujo' Cooley (sound mixer/business operator) and Michael Cerciello (Szabo Associates) will participate in a teaching discussion on the business of being in business as a freelance sound mixer, moderated by Gotham Sound Atlanta's own Dan Joseph.

This seminar is designed for sound people who are looking to strengthen their business skills and learn the art of successfully mixing sound by day and doing the books by night.  

Topics will include:

  • Deal Memos - What are they? Do I have one?  Am I protecting myself and my equipment?  Where can I get one? What is my rate and rental rate?
  • Production Contracts - What does this legalese mean?  Why are sentences redacted? Box Rental? Liability? 
  • "Check's in the mail" - How do I get paid?  Where is my check? NET90!? Can I sue?  Collection agency?  What is NYC's Freelance Isn't Free Act?
  • Art of the Deal - How do I negotiate?  What are my rates?  What is acceptable?  Should I undercut or avoid the race to the bottom?  Who are my friends, enemies, frenemies, and allies?  How can I best work with rental houses?  
  • Insurance and Incorporation - Covering Gear & Liability Insurance, Retirement funds, and Healthcare. 
  • Plus sensible ways to use business lines of credit, loans, credit cards, and more. 



Aaron 'Cujo' Cooley - Prior to working in film sound, *Cujo* owned and operated successful diversified businesses in industries from hospitality, construction, and manufacturing.

Michael Cerciello - From Newark, New Jersey; received a Bachelors of Science Degree in Industrial Engineering and a Bachelors of Science AMET from Southern Polytechnic University in Marietta, Georgia. He joined Szabo in January 2017 after 20 years in the engineering field and 16 years in the commercial collection industry including management and sales. Affiliations include ASQ, IISE, SAME, OSIA, and NIAF and a member of the Textile & Apparel Engineering Curriculum Advisory Board at Kennesaw State University.